Die Suche ergab 106 Treffer

von ief
Fr 13. Feb 2004, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: difference reeds 4l2 and 4l1/0
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 17471

hi all,
<BR>what is the exact difference?
<BR>it seems that the stopper is less wide, am i right in this or..?
von ief
Mi 22. Okt 2003, 01:00
Forum: Bewährte Schraubertricks und Kniffe
Thema: Vergaserdüsen, Werte für die 4L0/4L1/4L2
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 17015

vielen dank <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">
von ief
Mi 22. Okt 2003, 01:00
Forum: Bewährte Schraubertricks und Kniffe
Thema: Vergaserdüsen, Werte für die 4L0/4L1/4L2
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 17015

<BR>woh ist das beitrag von heiner gebleben???
<BR>ps: entschuldigung meinem deutsch
von ief
Fr 12. Sep 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: what do i need to get? (dusen)
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 4541

i wonder what to orden from <!-- BBCode auto-link start --><a href="http://www.topham.de" target="_blank">www.topham.de</a><!-- BBCode auto-link end --> <BR>i know i have 2 different types of carbs on the 4l0 and just need to now witch they are over there <IMG SRC="/phpBB/im...
von ief
Sa 2. Aug 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: bolt and nut kits for restoration...
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9337

yes, i understand and even understood <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>just wanted to know what you thought of the prices they ask...
<BR>greetz: ief
von ief
Do 31. Jul 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: bolt and nut kits for restoration...
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9337

<BR>oeps caps
von ief
Di 22. Jul 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: bolt and nut kits for restoration...
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9337

well, in that case it can't be me then <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">have some ticket laying here somewhere from oldenburg doing 120, guess there was an 80 speedlimmet or something <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_frown.gif"> <BR> <BR>and all this with a verry...
von ief
Di 15. Jul 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: bolt and nut kits for restoration...
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9337

hi mosche,
<BR>i sended u an e-mail on an adress i got from the english rd/rz forum.
<BR>didn't u get it or don't u use that adress normaly?
<BR>gr: ief
von ief
So 13. Jul 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: bolt and nut kits for restoration...
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9337

anyway, i meant something like this but then with a good price on it <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif"> <BR> <BR><!-- BBCode auto-link start --><a href="http://www.inoxfasteners.co.uk/kitsintro.htm" target="_blank">http://www.inoxfasteners.co.uk/kitsintro.h...
von ief
So 13. Jul 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: bolt and nut kits for restoration...
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9337

what's with the "planwagenfahrer" thingy dude? <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif"> <BR>i'm living in a house just like the next guy, please explain if you will... <BR> <BR>anyway, tnx for answering, will take a look at the adress now... <BR> <BR>graets: ief (the one l...
von ief
Sa 12. Jul 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: bolt and nut kits for restoration...
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9337

back again, so quit here <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>anyone knows of a good adress for the above?
<BR>preferably in set...(morsche ? <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">)
von ief
Do 19. Jun 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: polishing a piston ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5804

hi heinz,
<BR>didn't see your post <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">
<BR>but thanks, that's exactly what i wanted to know...
von ief
Do 19. Jun 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: polishing a piston ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5804

hush, hush ide, easy does it <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif"> <BR> <BR>the pistons have litle "reifen" so that's why i thought of getting them polished, the question is, could that be done safely? <BR> <BR>and then, to get the cylinders the right messure i have to ...
von ief
Do 19. Jun 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: polishing a piston ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5804

hi ide, <BR> <BR>i understand all that BUT... <BR> <BR>the pistens i have are overbore, the cynders i'm talking about are original... <BR> <BR>so you see what i want ? <BR> <BR>ps: <BR>guess hohning is just boring out or something <IMG SRC="/phpBB/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">
von ief
Do 19. Jun 2003, 01:00
Forum: For our english speaking RD-Friends
Thema: polishing a piston ?
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5804

in stead of (only) hohning a cylinder, would it also be ok if one poliched/ scrubbed a piston an then hohn the cylinder accordingly? <BR> <BR>what i mean is: <BR> <BR>making a piston wich is nit so good like new by polishing it, get some other cylinders and hohn them to fit the piston <BR> <BR><BR><...